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Information for suppliers

GV Health complies with HealthShare Victoria’s (HSV) Health Purchasing Policy.  More information on procurement including a link to the HSV Policies can be found on the HSV website.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Victorian State Government has introduced a Supplier Code of Conduct to support its commitment to ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement.

GV Health requires all its existing and new suppliers to commit to the Code.  The Code does not supersede or alter the supplier’s regulatory and contractual obligations.  GV Health expects suppliers to communicate the Code to their related entities, suppliers and subcontractors who support them in supplying goods and services, or construction works and services to GV Health, so they are aware of, understand and comply with the Code.

As a supplier to GV Health, you are advised to review the Code and ensure that relevant areas of your business and supply chain meet these standards.

Information about the Code is available on the Buying for Victoria website.

Social Procurement

GV Health considers procurement to be a core business and strategic function. Social procurement creates an opportunity for GV Health to use its buying power to deliver positive social and sustainable outcomes that help to build a fair, inclusive and sustainable Victoria.

GV Health’s Social Procurement Strategy has been developed in response to the Victorian Government’s Social Procurement Framework (SPF) released in April 2018. The SPF demonstrates an increased priority for delivering benefits to Victorian communities through GV Health’s procurement processes.  GV Health is committed to advancing social and sustainable objectives through procurement in accordance with the SPF.

Information about the SPF and information for suppliers can be found on the Buying for Victoria website. 


GV Health lists its ‘Invitations to Supply’ on the Tenders Victoria website.


GV Health has in place a Procurement Complaints Management Procedure which outlines how a supplier or other interested party can make a complaint regarding a procurement process at GV Health.  More information is available via GV Health’s Procurement Complaints Management procedure.

Useful links for Procurement

Victorian Social Enterprises