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Telehealth enables patients to have video appointments with our clinicians using their own smartphone, tablet or computer.

A telehealth appointment is just like a normal appointment; only the health care provider you will be seeing and speaking with is on a monitor or TV screen. You will be able to see, hear and talk to them, almost as though they were in the same room as you.

Telehealth consultations are private and confidential, just like face to face appointments, You can complete the telehealth video conference call by yourself at your home or even your workplace. You may also choose to have a support person with you such as a carer or your local health care practitioner.

If you have received your appointment time and are ready to start your appointment, please press the button below. Please start your video call 5‐10 mins before your appointment time.

Specialist Consulting Suite

Click here for your appointment with your medical specialist.

Community and Allied Health

Click here for your community or allied health appointment.

Oncology -Doctor

Click here for your appointment with your medical specialist.

Oncology - SURC Nurse

Click here for your appointment with your medical specialist.

MCU @ Home

Click here for your appointment with the Mary Coram Unit.

About Telehealth

A telehealth consultation is as convenient as a phone call, with the added value of face‐to‐face communication. Telehealth reduces travel time and costs for patients, while also removing the stress of travel and provides a greater accessibility of specialist services to patients.

What do I need to make a video call?

  • A good connection to the internet (If you can watch video online (eg. YouTube) you can make a video call
  • A private, well‐lit area where you will not be disturbed during the video call
  • A Google Chrome web browser on a desktop or laptop (Windows or Mac) or on an Android tablet or smartphone
  • Web‐camera, speakers and microphone (may be built into laptops or mobile devices)
  • If you are using an Apple device (such as an iPad or iPhone) you will need to use the Safari browser

How much internet data will I use?

You don’t use any data while waiting for a clinician to join you. A video consultation uses less than half of the data you would use while watching a YouTube video in High Definition*

Data use is less on lower‐speed internet connections, or if you are using a less powerful computer, tablet or smartphone. These factors can also reduce the overall quality of the call. Data use increases when there are more than 2 participants in the call.

If you can, connect to a home or work Wi‐Fi network to avoid using your mobile data allowance.

*That is about 230MB on a mobile device, and 450MB on a PC for a 20 minute call, which is similar to Skype or Facetime
