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Group 3

National Women’s Health Week is here, from September 4-8!                                      

This year’s theme is Grow your knowledge!                                

As a PHU, we are encouraging all women within our catchment to make their health a top priority by not delaying vital preventative screenings.    

Did you know?

  • In Victoria, almost one third of women lack adequate physical activity, and many, similar to men, have insufficient fruit and vegetable intake. 
  • In Australia, women are nearly twice as likely as men to suffer from a mental illness. 
  • One in five Victorian women are affected by family violence over the course of their lifetime.
  • Victorian women have more chronic illnesses and more years living with disability than men.


Women outnumber men in experiencing:

  • Mental illnesses
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Self-harm related and eating disorder related hospitalisations
  • Mood disorders like depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD)
  • Dementia

Grow your knowledge on regular health checks – here’s what you need and when:

  • A blood pressure check every two years from age 18, or more often if at increased risk.
  • STI screening for sexually active women of all ages – free testing is available at Meryula Sexual Health Clinic or your local women’s sexual health and reproductive specialist clinics.
  • A Breast self-check once a month.
  • Diabetes screening every three years from age 40 plus (or more frequent for those at higher risk or those who are pregnant).
  • A Bone Health check once a year from age 45 or post-menopause.
  • Cervical screening every five years from age 25 to 74.
  • If you are experiencing symptoms such as sadness, irritability, fatigue or anxiety; have had changes to your eating or sleeping habits; or have any other mental health concerns, speak to your GP.

Regular health checks can help prevent and detect diseases early, often when they can be more easily treated. This information is provided as a general guide and you may need other or more frequent checks.

The source for this document is Jean Hailes and Women’s Health Victoria.

For more information visit :                                                                                                              

Follow the GV PHU Goulburn Valley Public Health Unit Facebook page for more updates.