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GV Health’s Chronic Pain Clinic assists people to self-manage their pain.

The program focuses on achieving functional goals that are meaningful to each individual client, via evidence-based practice.

We understand the chronic pain affects many areas of life which is why we take a biopsychosocial approach in the management of Chronic pain.

This means we take into consideration:

  • Biological factors – Physical health, physical function, fitness, energy
  • Psychological factors – Emotions, thoughts, beliefs, habits
  • Social factors – Home life, relationships and family, work, leisure activities


The goal of our treatment is not necessarily pain reduction, but on improved quality of life.

Goals might include:

  • Improving the client’s knowledge and understanding of persistent pain
  • Assisting the client to develop strategies to manage their pain
  • Increasing the client’s activity levels
  • Improving the client’s well-being and sense of confidence to manage in everyday life
  • Assisting the client in getting back to regular activities and setting new goals


To achieve these goals, the Chronic Pain Clinic has a multidisciplinary team and offers a variety of services and supports including:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Movement and exercise programs
  • Education sessions to help develop skills and strategies to manage pain
  • Psychological support
  • Dietary advice
  • Complementary therapies and strategies such as relaxation/meditation, mindfulness, hydrotherapy and Tai-Chi
  • Rehabilitation specialist consultation
  • Education and exercise programs assisted by interpreter for non-English speaking clients

Who is GV Health’s Chronic Pain Clinic available to?

GV Health’s Chronic Pain Clinic is an out-patient service and is available to all community members who have pain had pain for three months or more.

How do I access GV Health’s Chronic Pain Clinic?

Access to GV Health’s Chronic Pain Clinic via referral only. To arrange a referral, please speak to your General Practitioner (GP) or treating team. For more information, call (03) 5832 3100.

Please note we are a script free service and as our approach is pain rehabilitation, referrals related purely to S8 permits will not be prioritised or triaged highly.