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Reaching out for help is often the first step towards healing.  We recognise how important it is for victim/survivors to feel confident in moving forward, for this reason Goulburn VUnderstandingalley Centre Against Sexual Assault (GVCASA) has established this website to:

  • Provide victim/survivors of sexual assault with an opportunity to explore the range of services we offer to support their healing and growth.
  • Create an enhanced understanding of sexual abuse and its consequences.
  • Raise awareness of the community education programs we offer.
  • To provide information about resources available from GVCASA for victim/survivors, professionals, and those interested in the prevention of sexual assault.

Who We Are

The Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual  Assault is one of 15 Centres Against Sexual Assault throughout Victoria that provide services to victim/survivors of sexual assault, their non-offending family members, partners and friends. We do not provide services to adult perpetrators of sexual assault. Community and professional education are also an important part of our work.

GVCASA is a member organisation of Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SASVic), the peak body for sexual assault and harmful sexual behaviour services in Victoria. You can learn more about SASVic here.

Our Mission

The mission of the Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault is to offer  services in the local government areas of City of Greater Shepparton, Shires of Mitchell, Strathbogie, Murrindindi and Moira that will:-

  • Assist people who have been sexually assaulted to recover from the trauma of sexual assault and its consequences.
  • Work toward the reduced incidence of sexual assault within the community.

About us

This information has been developed to give you a greater understanding about us, our policies and procedures, the services we provide, and your rights and responsibilities.

Services are planned to complement your strengths and needs. We adhere to our legislative and funding agreement requirements to ensure we meet your expectations and provide a high level of service. We continuously work to meet the Health and Human Services Standards (2011). If you would like more information on these Standards please don’t hesitate to ask one of our team.
You may review information about us and our services on our website or if you wish to speak with someone just call our office on 03 5858 9300.

Your safety

We strive to provide a safe environment for you and a safe workplace for our staff.
We encourage an environment where clients and staff are treated with dignity and respect and where staff conducts themselves professionally at all times.
As a person using our services you have a right to feel safe and be free from abuse and neglect within the service. We have a complaints processes which you should use if you feel unsafe within the service. If you feel you need an advocate to make a complaint or report any inappropriate behaviour we can support you to access an advocate of your choice.

Complaints and appeals

We welcome feedback from you and encourage you to bring to our attention anything that may be a concern or anything you think we may be able to improve.
Complaints should be raised with your Councellor to ensure a prompt resolution to your concerns. If you are not satisfied with the response the matter will be escalated through our line of management to the CASA Manager until resolution is reached. Responses to complaints will be provided in a timely manner.
If you would like to make an appeal about a decision we have made please contact The CASA Manager.

Advocacy and interpreters

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint and the above steps have not supported you in reaching a satisfactory resolution, you may contact the following:

The Health Complaints Commissioner (1300 582 113) or lodge a complaint via the online form

You may choose to use an advocate at any point during the complaints process. We can assist you to access the services of an advocacy body. Please see the Advocacy Services list available on the Office of Public Advocate website.

We are more than happy to arrange a culturally appropriate and qualified interpreter. There is no cost for this service to help assist with your queries or concerns.

Please advise us of any communication requirements and we wil endeavor to provide resources to support you.

Clients’ Rights Attending the Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault

At the Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault you will be made aware of your options and have your choices respected.

You will:

  • Be heard and believed
  • Be treated with dignity, respect and sensitivity.
  • Be able to communicate in your own language with an interpreter or communication aide if necessary.
  • Be supported in a way that is appropriate and sensitive to issues of culture, ethnicity, gender, age, sexuality and level of development.
  • Have control over your own choices and outcomes.
  • Be given relevant legal, medical or social options.
  • Have the right to access your counselling file.
  • Have the right to make a complaint about our service if you are unsatisfied with our service.

If you have any concerns about any of the above please contact the Manager of the Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault telephone (03) 5858 9300.

Your confidentiality will be maintained in accordance with our confidentiality policy.